When your lawn is looking not-so-great, it may be frustrating, especially if you have tried all steps that you know about to help improve its condition. However, with the help of a professional landscaper, and some recommended steps you can complete on your own, your lawn will begin to show improvement quickly. Here are some tasks you can complete to make sure your lawn is ready for winter and the upcoming spring season and new growth.
Check Your Soil's Health
The health of your lawn may be visible in its appearance, including the condition of the lawn growth and how thickly it is able to grow in through the soil of your yard. However, just because the health of your lawn may be poor in some areas or not growing as well as it should, does not mean that you can always establish a clear reason for this. Sometimes you may try fertilization and overseeding with no luck in improving your lawn's health in some areas.
For this reason, you can test your soil's health or pH to determine what elements it is lacking, which have a direct result on your lawn's health and appearance. It is recommended that you have your soil's pH tested every few years but if you are having spotty problems, you can arrange for a lawn care specialist to check the soil further. You may find that the soil is too acidic or not acidic enough, and you can add a simple treatment of lime, for example, to your lawn to show results in your lawn's growth. If your soil is too acidic, you can add some elemental sulfur over the lawn and it will quickly begin to help your lawn.
Repair Problem Spots
Areas of your lawn may show signs of poor lawn growth or contain a large number of weeds that have choked out the lawn. Once you remove the problem weeds or correct the soil's pH, you can apply a new lawn seed application to the soil to get it to grow in. Fall is a great time to do this procedure.
Rake up the problem area of soil to loosen the soil and provide a place for the lawn seeds to settle securely. Use a garden rake to loosen and prepare the soil, adding in a layer of compost manure or peat moss to the area. Sprinkle the layer of lawn seeds onto the prepared sites. When the ground freezes or snow covers the soil, it will protect the seeds until spring's thaw. However, if you can apply the seeds several weeks before the first frost, this will give them a chance to germinate and get established in order to come in thickly again in the spring.
Contact a lawn care service for more information.