Tips for Successful Landscaping Projects

Five Steps To Beautify Your Backyard

If you need a place to relax and enjoy that sunny afternoon, your backyard should be the ideal place. A lush beautiful backyard does not just happen. You will need to roll up your sleeves, visualize and create an ambience where you can readily spend your free time when the weather is appropriate. So how do you transform that junk yard, where you dump all manner of unused items into a retreat place that is modern, beautiful and relaxing?

Remove the Clutter and Clear the Yard

The first step will be for you to create an open space by removing the clutter, broken bottles, and mow the lawn. A mowed lawn will give you an idea of how much space you have and what you can do with it.

Prioritize the dining and sitting area to accommodate guest overflow during parties.

Create a Path

Using bricks and tiles you can create walkways within your garden in a mosaic pattern and align them in the shape and direction you want. Consider lighting up the pathway.

The Right Plants

A good understanding of your garden landscape and the sun needs of plants will help you decide which plants suit your backyard. Vegetables and herbs will need up to five hours of the full sun.

When choosing plants, consult your local landscaping company about plant types that will ensure you choose appropriate plants. If you love fragrance, lemon thyme will do; it grows slowly, is edible and releases a nice aroma.

Size of Plants

You don't want your yard to suffocate you when it is cramped with too many oversize plants. So your yard size will determine which plants you need. For a small yard, plants like Japanese maples, red bug and crepe myrtles will do.

A large yard can take river birch, red maples, magnolia and oaks. You can also play with shape and texture of plants contrasting plants with small leaves next to bold textured plants with large leaves; or plants that grows upright against low round growing ones.

Create Focal Points

Toy with the idea of grouping furniture and similar plants within the same area. If you like your privacy, wooden fencing or planting shrubs around your perimeter may work for you. Give your yard a personal touch by placing statues or adding a small fish pond. Good residential hardscaping can be just as important as the softer plant elements in creating visual appeal.

For your backyard to look beautiful, it will come down to maintenance: How well you keep weeds in check and deal with clutter that may be left from time to time. But it also depends on the structure and visual variety you create in the garden. Contact a company, like Davis Landscape, for more help.