Few things are cozier than a roaring fire on a cold day. This is true whether you are using wood to heat your home or simply for ambiance, or if you only use wood for outdoor enjoyment in your fire pit. To ensure your firewood burns well and cleanly, it's vital that you know how to store it. The following tips can help:
Tip #1: Provide bottom airflow
Wood needs to be dry and seasoned, which can only happen with airflow. Stacking the firewood on the damp ground means you are going to have damp wood, or worse, it may begin to mold or rot. You can purchase storage racks but it is also reasonably simple to create your own. For small amounts of wood, simply placing a pallet beneath the stack will allow air to circulate under the wood. For larger amounts, install corner posts on a pallet or two so you can stack the wood higher without the logs rolling off.
Tip #2: Don't stack too high
Airflow is also lessened to the center of the pile if you stack it too high. As a general rule, don't stack the wood more than 4 feet high. This also makes it easy and safe to retrieve wood from the top of the stack. Storing the wood stack a single row deep is also a good idea to ensure air circulation to the back of the logs. If you must stack deeper, then leave a space for air between each stack of wood. Your main goal is to cut down on the amount of moisture that becomes trapped in the firewood stack.
Tip #3: Stay pest aware
Wood piles provide a home to all manner of creepy crawlies, from spiders and insects to small rodents. Don't stack your wood right up against your house, since this just makes it easier for these pests to make their way into your home. When bringing in wood, only bring in what you plan to burn within the next few hours to further cut down on hitchhikers invading your home.
Tip #4: Cover it up
Finally, protect your firewood from snow and rain. A covered wood shed with open sides to allow air circulation is the preferred method. You can also stack it beneath an existing structure, such as a carport, if that doesn't place it too close to the house. In a pinch, just cover the top of the pile loosely with a tarp, held down by a couple of rocks. Leave the sides open so that air still circulates around the pile.
Contact a company like Ryan's Nature Solutions for more information and assistance.