Overgrowth is a problem that causes a lot of problems around buildings like homes. If you have a property that has wooded areas around it or overbrush that is taken over, you can reduce the risk to your home and personal property by keeping these areas clean. Here are some tips to reduce fire risks by cleaning up under brush and wooded areas:
1. Thinning Out Overcrowded Trees in Wooded Areas
Overcrowded trees are a risk when wildfires come too close to your property. The trees help give the fire fuel it needs and cause a real risk to property like homes and businesses. To reduce the risk of fire to your personal property, make sure that trees are a safe distance apart and not growing in one big clump. The canopy of trees is an ideal guide for the distance; leaving enough space between trees for healthy canopy growth. Trees that are below the canopy of trees and seem to have stunted growth should be removed, as well as any large trees that have disease, damage or unhealthy formation.
2. Overgrowth of Brush and The Real Fire Hazard It Causes
Overgrowth and brush is another problem that you will have with the wooded areas around your home. If you have a lot of trees, then this may be vines and small shrubs that that grow in dense colonies. It is not only the brush beneath trees that cause a hazard to your home; brush alone is dangerous because it is a dense source of fuel and fire will move quickly through this type of overgrowth. Clear overgrowth brush to reduce fire risks to personal property. The underbrush can be cut down with a Bush Hog or burnt during the rainy season.
3. Keeping Plants and Trees a Safe Distance from Structures
Structures should have trees removed to keep wooded areas a safe distance from property. Remove trees that are within 50 feet or closer to structures. As a good rule of thumb, you may want to judge a safety zone by using the height of a tree as a gauge; if a tree were to fall and its canopy could reach the structure, then it is too close and should probably be removed. Removing trees that are too close to buildings will also prevent structural damage due to trees or branches falling in high winds. Creating this safety zone is an ideal practice for homes in areas that are prone to wildfires during the dry season. In addition, trees like pines and other evergreens pose more of a risk to property than hardwoods like oak.
These are some tips that will help reduce fire risks around your home by cleaning up underbrush and overgrowth. If you need help cleaning up your property, contact a tree service to help with brush clearing, stump grinding and cleaning up undergrowth that is a fire hazard to your property.